Practical PowerShell Series: Part 3

When working with PowerShell and objects such as User in Entra ID or mailboxes in Exchange Online, you might quickly run into scenarios where you might want to repeat a set of instructions for multiple objects. This can happen for example, when configuring mailbox properties for multiple mailboxes. This construct of flow control is called looping.

In the third installment of the Practical PowerShell series, I discuss which types of looping are available in PowerShell and what their typical application is. Topics discussed are For loops, ForEach-Object vs ForEach, and While/Do-While and Do-Until. On the side, I will also touch briefly on casting, the format operator, and running code in parallel using ForEach-Object.

Click here to read the full article on Practical 365.

The Practical 365 Podcast S4 E17

It took a little over 6 and a half years since the last episode of The UC Architects podcast, but I was finally reunited with Steve Goodman. This time it was to join him and Paul Robichaux to record an episode of the Practical 365 podcast, and talk about the new Practical PowerShell series on

Topics discussed in this episode are:

  • Microsoft Teams: Automatic Camera Switching, Multiple Views, and Improved Joining Options Elevate Teams Rooms Experiences
  • Microsoft Exchange: High Volume Email
  • Practical PowerShell series: Bridging the gap

I hope you enjoy the episode.

You can view the notes and listen to the episode here, or you can subscribe to the podcasts using Apple Podcasts, Spotify or look for it in your favorite podcast app.

Practical PowerShell Series: Part 2

When working on PowerShell scripts, there might come a point where a set of instructions is – in small or larger form – a repeat of code that occurs elsewhere in the script. Or it might be code you used in another script or sourced from other locations, and you want to incorporate it into your script to easily call the code.

In the second installment of the Practical PowerShell series, I will discuss how to leverage code’s reusability through functions and scripts.

Among the topics discussed are:

  • (Advanced) functions, including custom parameters, common parameters, and typing.
  • Adding helpful instructions so your script and functions become documenting.
  • Pipeline processing.

Click here to read the full article on Practical 365.

Practical PowerShell Series

“How do I start using scripting?” or “How do I turn this piece of code into a fully working script?” These are just some of the questions that reach me through mail or during events. Even after 17 years since its introduction with Exchange Server 2007, there is still a gap regarding PowerShell. Not all administrators are natural developers, despite Microsoft expecting them in some ways. Some may need more help in this area.

To address this need, I am starting a series of PowerShell-related articles on Practical 365. I will be covering skills needed when going from a piece of code or concept to a script with all major bells and whistles. I will also throw in best practices and the occasional tip. The series aims to help this target audience improve their skills using practical examples. Note that practical is the keyword here, as I am trying to start theoretical or aesthetic discussions on code layout or which style is better.

Click here to read the full article on Practical 365.

Challenges of PowerShell Scripting with Microsoft 365

If you are looking for a way to automate and simplify your Microsoft 365 administration tasks, PowerShell is a great option. However, PowerShell scripting is not without its challenges. Not proactively maintaining code can quickly become an issue because of the changes made to dependencies such as modules, as well as the cmdlets you use.

In an article I wrote for Practical 365, related to the presentation of the same name held at the The Experts Conference 2023 in Atlanta this year, I discuss some of the challenges administrators might encounter with PowerShell scripts. Also, I provide some guidance and point out a few tools that can assist with rewriting or refactoring code, i.e., updating code while keeping its external functionality.

Click here to read the full article on Practical 365.

MEC: Bringing your Exchange Scripts into the Modern Age

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of presenting at the Microsoft Exchange Conference Community Technical Airlift 2022. I talked about the challenges that organizations are facing that use Exchange scripts in their work processes or run them scheduled unattended.

Some of the challenges I mentioned, apart from the upcoming demise of Basic Authentication, and resources to methodically assess and make the necessary changes, are:

  • Get your code more secure leveraging Certificate Based Authentication, especially for scheduled tasks.
  • Get current with the most recent version of the Exchange Online Management Module for PowerShell.
  • The same exercise with regards to AzureAD when using MSOnline or AzureAD modules, and the inevitable move to the PowerShell Graph SDK.

In the end I also quickly demonstrated how much easier and secure things can be when utilizing Azure Automation, which might especially appeal to organizations that want to totally get rid of any infrastructure for running jobs.

You can watch the presentation below. All sessions are you published on YouTube, and its playlist can be accessed at

The presentation as well as the deck and script used in the live demonstration can be retrieved from GitHub. The Analyse-ExoScript used in the demo can be found on GitHub as well, or look at the accompanying blog I wrote a while ago here.

Note that during MEC, it was announced that the next GA release of the Exchange Online Management module will be version 3. This jump is likely to prevent any confusion with earlier GA and preview releases. It was said the next GA release might be as early as next week, which should be good news for organizations who’s policy it is to not run Preview software in production environments.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments or send me a message via the contact form.

Analyzing Exchange Online scripts

Updated: 1.2 adds default ExchangeOnlineManagement cmdlets scanning and authentication options.

Since the original announcement on deprecation of Basic Authentication, organizations had time to analyze their environment which may include Exchange-related procedures and tools. These usually also contain scripts or commands, which depend on the Exchange Online Management module. A previous blog on its history and how version 2 of this module lends itself for unattended operation with certificate-based modern authentication support can be found here.

The initial release of the Exchange Online Management v2 – or EXOv2 – module offered a an additional small set of cmdlets which utilized REST-based services. Apart from the functional discrepancies, such as having to specify a property set to indicate which properties to return, the big advantage of these added commands was that they did not depend on the Windows Remote Management (WinRM) client using Basic Authentication for token exchange. Disabling Basic Authentication on WinRM client lead to messages such as:

Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cannot process the request. Basic authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration.

This dependency makes it challenging for organizations to turn off Basic Authentication altogether, or lead to problems when they did. Fast forward to the present, where the Exchange Online Management module in its current release is offering nearly all Exchange cmdlets in REST-based form, with full functional parity.

While I expect Microsoft to reach full command parity before they flick the Basic Authentication switch to off, there are also other use cases for which analyzing scripts might be helpful:

  • Ths initial purpose was identifying commands which require RPS (Remote PowerShell), and thus thus require WinRM Basic Authentication enabled. Because the Exchange Team did an amazing job in catching up in the recent months, only few Exchange Online cmdlets are still lacking REST support in my tenant at this moment, e.g. New-ApplicationAccessPolicy. But then again, your mileage may vary, as the recent Preview 7 module removed few UnifiedGroup related cmdlets which had issues.
  • New Exchange Online commands may not receive immediate REST support.
  • Organizations might want to cross-reference commands with scripts.
  • Identifying Exchange Online commands and parameters in scripts helps in determining the minimum set of permissions required to run the script.

To analyze and report on Exchange Online scripts, I created a simple script Analyze-ExoScript.ps1. This script, which is available on GitHub here, does the following:

  • Connect to Exchange Online using RPS and inventory the commands available. Note that this requires the UseRPSSession switch when connecting, which is only available per 2.0.6-Preview3 of the module. If your organization only runs GA versions of the module, this script cannot be used.
  • Connect to Exchange Online using REST and inventory the commands available. It will re-use the account used for authenticating the RPS session, which should prevent receiving another authentication dialog or MFA challenge.
  • Cache cmdlet information in an external file to prevent having to connect to Exchange Online for every run. The file is named EXO-CmdletInfo.xml and will be stored in the same folder as the script.
  • Process the script and report on the Exchange-related commands used.

Calling Analyze-ExoScript is straightforward:

.\Analyze-ExoScript.ps1 [-File <FileName[]>] [-ShowAll] [-Refresh] [-Organization <String> -AppId <String> -CertificateFile <String> [-CertificatePassword <SecureString>] -CertificateThumbprint <String>] [-Credential <SecureString>]


  • File is the name of one or more files which you want to analyze. Note that the script accepted pipeline output, so you can also feed it filenames using Get-ChildItem for example.
  • The ShowAll switch tells the script to output all found commands, not only the Exchange ones.
  • The switch Refresh tells the script to ignore saved command information, trigger reconnecting to Exchange Online in order to refresh the command sets.
  • Credential specifies the (Basic Authentication) credential to pass to Connect-ExchangeOnline.
  • Organization and AppId can be used to specify the tenant ID ( and registered application ID to use with Connect-ExchangeOnline using Modern Authentication. This also requires one of the following:
    • CertificateThumbprint of the certificate to use for authentication.
    • CertificateFile of the file containing the certificate to use, together with CertificatePassword to specify its password.

When asked to authenticate, make sure your role has the necessary Exchange-related permissions as that will determine the Exchange Online cmdlets available to you, and consequently also the commands which Analyze-ExoScript will recognize in scripts to process.

For example, to process a script Fix-MailboxFolders.ps1, use:

.\Analyze-ExoScript.ps1 -File .\Fix-MailboxFolders.ps1

The script can accept files via the pipeline. For example, to process multiple scripts use something like:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\temp*.ps1 | Analyze-ExoScript.ps1

The output consists of objects, which allow for further filtering:

The returned properties are:

  • Command is the Exchange Online command identified
  • Type will tell you if the command supports REST or requires RPS.
  • Parameters are the parameters used together with the command. This includes common parameters, which might be less usable for role assignment purposes.
  • Alt contains alternative REST-based cmdlet you could consider using for performance reasons, e.g. Get-EXOMailbox instead of Get-Mailbox.
  • File and Line are the file containing the command and on which line it is located.

To analyze code, I leveraged PowerShell feature called Abstract Syntax Tree, which was an interesting exploration in itself. PowerShell AST can be used to decompose PowerShell code into tokens. This is way better than simply looking for strings, and does away with having to interpret code yourself to see if something is a command, comment or just some string. AST allows for analysis of these tokens, in this case filtering on commands which are related to Exchange Online. If you want to get started on AST, check out this article, or plunge in the PowerShell SDK straightaway.

Final Words
When every Exchange Online command discovered is found to be offering REST support, you can turn off Basic Authentication on the client, for example through GPO or by reconfiguring WinRM:

winrm set winrm/config/client/auth @{Basic="false"}

Only thing you might need to refactor is if and how the script connects to Exchange Online, as Basic Authentication allowed for connecting to Exchange Online using (stored) credentials for example. Examples on how to use more secure Modern Authentication-based methods to connect can be found in an earlier article here.

The Missing Cmdlets Mystery

A short blog on something which I find still surprises admins and consultants working with Exchange Online Management module for Powershell. The Exchange Online Management v2 module has been offering support for REST for a while now. One of the benefits of using these REST-based cmdlets, apart from performance and resilience, is that it uses Modern Authentication to connect to Exchange Online, which is the way forward, as Basic Authentication gets directed to the exit.

Now the initial versions of the module supported a limited set of 9 cmdlets. The REST cmdlets used the EXO prefix, such as Get-EXOMailbox as counterpart of Get-Mailbox. I wrote an earlier blog about using EXOv2, configuring the app in Azure and alternative ways to authenticate here.

Per version 2.0.6, which is still in preview, around 250 additional cmdlets got REST support as well, but using their original name and parameter set. You can check the number of cmdlets available after connecting, e.g.

Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName <UPN>
((Get-Module).Where{ $_.ExportedCommands.'Get-Mailbox'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ExportedCommands).GetEnumerator() | Measure-Object

As you can see above, after connecting this version supports 397 cmdlets for my role in addition to the 31 available pre-connecting. Your exact number might vary, based on the roles assigned to your account.

The confusion usually starts when people enter commands or run scripts, and find cmdlets are “missing”. Often they find that the Set/New cmdlet is unavailable, while the Get is available, e.g.

Before, this could be an indication those commands were removed from the role assigned to you, such as the New-MailboxImportRequest cmdlet which only is available if you have mailbox import/export assigned. But in this situation, it could be that the cmdlet does not have a REST call (yet). In those cases, you need to connect using a regular Remote PowerShell session, by specifying -UseRPSSession:

Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName <UPN> -UseRPSSession

When connecting this way, I have 739 cmdlets at my disposal, including the ones which do not support REST. Note that cmdlets which support REST still will use REST; the commands that require Remote PowerShell will use the imported cmdlet. As a reminder, Remote Powershell requires Basic Authentication, and therefor must be enabled on the system you are connecting from.

Tip: Did you know you can view the release notes of the installed Exchange Online Management module by inspecting the ReleaseNotes property, e.g.

(Get-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement).ReleaseNotes

Module Updates: What’s New?

After updating your PowerShell modules which support managing parts of the Microsoft 365, some of us are curious about what changes are introduced with the updated module. In the world of continuous change, it is hard to keep track of these changes. New cmdlets or parameters get added to support new features, and some get removed as they become obsolete. So, how to discover what those changes are after updating to the latest module?

Time to blog on a small script I created for this purpose a long time ago, Compare-Cmdlets.ps1. This script has two operating modes:

  • Export currently available cmdlets and parameters for supported modules.
  • Compare two exports of cmdlets & parameters and report the differences.

Currently, the following command sets are supported:

ModuleTest CmdletExport File

Command sets are exported per module, where a module is assumed to be present by a simple check for cmdlet availability (specified in column Test Cmdlet). That is, if Get-Mailbox is available, the ExchangeOnline module is assumed to be available. It does not distinguish between the Exchange PowerShell module or ‘classic’ Remote PowerShell session, nor will it take into account the repository origin of the module, nor if the Get-AzureADUser is coming from the AzureAD or AzureADPreview module.

That said, here’s how this is works. Load up PowerShell and have your modules installed and ready. Some modules like ExchangeOnlineManagement require connecting to the service first to import the cmdlet functions, so for ExchangeOnlineManagement run Connect-ExchangeOnline first. Same applies to the newer Teams modules, where the Skype Connector functions are only available after running New-CsOnlineSession.

Then run Compare-Cmdlets to export the cmdlets and parameters for those modules. The commands will by default be exported to an XML in a subfolder named ‘data’. The name of the file is mentioned in the table above. If you want to use a different folder to store the XML files, use DataFolder parameter.

Note that with Exchange, the cmdlets available to you depend on which role you have been assigned in Exchange’s Role-Based Access Control model. For example, if you haven’t explicitly assigned Mailbox-ImportRequest to your account, you will not see it in the exports. Therefor, when exporting module changes, it is required using an account with the same roles assigned to have proper exports. But when needed, you can also use it to report on command set differences between two Exchange Online accounts.

After updating some of the modules, or downloading one of the command set reference XMLs I stored with the script on GitHub, you can use Compare-Cmdlets to compare different versions of module exports. For example, to compare the cmdlets of Microsoft Teams module 1.1.4 with those after updating to 1.1.5, use

.\Compare-Cmdlets.ps1 -ReferenceCmds data\MicrosoftTeams-1.1.4.xml -DifferenceCmds data\MicrosoftTeams-1.1.5.xml

From the output, we see for example that:

  • The cmdlet Get-TeamChannel has a new GroupId parameter.
  • The cmdlet New-CsGroupPolicyAssignment parameter PolicyType has been removed.
  • The cmdlet Add-TeamChannelUser is new.

Note that common parameters (e.g. Verbose and ErrorAction) and optional common parameters (e.g. WhatIf) are left out of the equation. Also, parameters are not compared in depth and only presence is checked. If for example a parameter changes type (e.g. string to multivalue), Compare-Cmdlets does not pick that up.

As-is, the script is made to run on demand from an interactive PowerShell session. Ideally, this would run scheduled and serverless from within the service, reporting changes by e-mail.

The script Compare-Cmdlets.ps1 can be downloaded from GitHub here. If you find this useful, would like to comment or have suggestions, use the comments below or leave them on GitHub.

Exchange Online Management using EXOv2 module


Update (3sep2022) Updated reflect Azure AD app roles.

Early June, Microsoft released a new PowerShell module
for managing Exchange Online. This module got announced at Ignite 2019 already, but it took
few months between going into preview end of last year before it finally reached Generally Available status. Usage of this module offers substantial improvements over the existing methods to connect to Exchange Online using Powershell, such as:

  • Leveraging the PowerShell module ecosystem to install and update the module. This as opposed to the click-to-run Microsoft Exchange Online Powershell Module or connecting through PowerShell remoting.
  • Support for Multi-Factor Authentication. This is something which the click-to-run module also offers but is not available when using PowerShell remoting.
  • Robustness. Existing sessions could easily timeout when you took a short break from the console. Or worse, your script could terminate in the middle of execution. This required you to reconnect or forced you to add resilience to your scripts by handling with these disconnects from the back end. The cmdlets of the EXOv2 module should be more robust and resilient.
  • Introduction of the Graph API support, which should show improvements in terms of speed. Microsoft indicated an 4-8 times improvement should be achievable, but your mileage may vary depending on the operation.
  • Support for PowerShell 6/7, core, and non-Windows operating systems is coming.

Exchange Online Management v2 module

The module has been baptized EXOv2 to indicate a major change compared to the click-to-run module (hereafter referred to as EXOv1), and also because it uses Graph API, just like the AzureAD v2 module. The module is available in the PowerShell Gallery, and installation is straightforward. Open a PowerShell 5.1 or later session in elevated mode and run:

Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement

The EXOv2 cmdlets which are REST-based and and leverage Graph API have their nouns prefixed with ‘EXO’, e.g. Get-EXOMailbox. Currently, there are 9 EXO cmdlets in the GA module, as well as few additional ones (more on those later). The regular commands such get Get-Mailbox are available as well after connecting to Exchange Online. This is similar behavior to the EXOV1 module, e.g.

Connect-ExchangeOnline [-UserPrincipalName <UPN>]

When required, satisfy the Multi-Factor Authentication logon process, and you
are done. Be advised that the EXOv2 module also supports
Delegated Access
(DAP), allowing partners to connect to customer tenants by
-DelegatedOrganization <>
when connecting.

Also note that apart from the EXO cmdlets, the current module also offers few other interesting commands and helper functions apart from the ones for housekeeping:

  • Connect-IPPSSession to connect to Security & Compliance center or Exchange Online Protection, depending on licensing. This command was also available in EXOv1.
  • Get-UserBriefingConfig & Set-UserBriefingConfig. These are a bit out of context, as these commands allow you to enable or disable the Cortana Briefing for users.
  • IsCloudShellEnvironment indicates if you are running from PowerShell or Azure Cloud Shell, which might be useful in scripts to determine the current context.

The EXOv2 cmdlets and their regular equivalents are shown in the table below:

EXO v1 or Remote
EXO v2

What you might notice is the absence of any Set-EXO* cmdlets. This is true, and there is no word yet on if and when Set cmdlets will be introduced. That said, the biggest speed gain is often in bulk retrieval of data, not so much in altering one or more attributes. Until then, do not
spair though, as you can pipe output of the EXO cmdlets to their regular cmdlet,

Get-EXOMailbox michel | Set-Mailbox -EmailAddresses @{Add=''}

This construction will also provide the additional benefit of parallel processing of objects as they pass through the pipeline, but more on that later.

Now comes another thing you should be aware of, and that is that these EXOv2 cmdlets might not use the same parameter sets as their v1 equivalent. Simply said, you cannot perform a simple Find and Replace operation in your script replacing Get-Mailbox with Get-EXOMailbox to start enjoying benefits of the new module.

When running a cmdlet like Get-EXOmailbox, you might notice that it returns only a subset of the attributes you might expect. Similar to what Properties does for Active Directory module, the EXOv2 module requires you to specify the individual Properties to return. Alternatively, you can use PropertySets to select a predefined set of attributes. For example, Get-EXOMailbox supports PropertySets such as All, Minimum (default), Policy, Quota and Retention to name a few. When needed, you can combine PropertySets, so something like the following is possible:

Get-EXOMailbox -Identity michel -PropertySets Quota,Policy

A small note on the PropertySet All: Just like Get-ADUser .. -Properties
is considered bad practice as you can impact resource usage and usually return more than what you need, using -PropertySets All
for every call is also a bad idea. All is convenient, but make sure you only return the data you need. Be a good person.

To see which EXOv2 cmdlets support PropertySets, use:

(Get-Command -Noun EXO* -Module ExchangeOnlineManagement).Where{$_.Parameters.propertySets}


Now, I suppose we want to get an indication of the performance enhancements by comparing EXOv2 and equivalent operation using v1 cmdlets. In this simple example we are returning quota information for some 50.000 mailboxes:

In this case, it is not the 4-8x improvement, but more than twice as fast is significant nonetheless. Especially if you are running interactively. To see the impact of parallel processing in the pipeline, we run the following:

As shown, there is a substantial increase in performance, but of course your mileage may vary depending on things like the number of objects, the attributes you require, and any filtering
Note that the PropertySet StatisticsSeed used in the example is a very minimal set of attributes which you can use if you only wish the refer to the objects, such as userPrincipalName, primarySmtpAddress and externalDirectoryObjectID.

Speaking of filtering, one would expect that server-side filtering (-Filter) would show an improvement in terms of speed over client-side filtering (Where), as filtering at the source is far more efficient in terms of result set and data to send over. However, it seems that due to the nature of a shared environment, sending superfluous data over the wire is less of a penalty than local filtering. Of course, your mileage may also vary here, so experiment what works best for your situation. Also, not every attribute is supported for filtering with these EXO cmdlets, which lies in how Graph exposes data. More information on that here.

When your session times out or disconnects, you will see that the module tries to reconnect your session; something which you would have to programmatically solve for the v1 module or regular remote PowerShell:

Certificate-based Authentication

Exchange administrators often have a requirement to run unattended scripts against Exchange Online, for example scheduled reports or as part of another process. In the past, this lead to setups where service accounts and stored credentials were used. Later this was improved by the ability to apply Conditional Access to limit these logons to on-premises infrastructure.

The problem with Multi-Factor Authentication is that it requires interaction with end-user to approve the sign-on. Of course, while your token is still valid, you can easily (re)connect to Exchange Online just by providing the Username Principal Name, which will reuse the token if it didn’t expire. But all in all, these solutions are high maintenance, and far from ideal from a security perspective.

Here comes certificate-based authentication, which is supported in version 2.0.3 and up of the EXOv2 module. In short, certificate-based authentication allows you to log on to Exchange Online using:

  • PowerShell
  • EXOv2 module
  • A (self-signed) certificate containing private key
  • Enterprise App registration in Azure Active Directory which contains the public key of this certificate, and proper assigned Azure AD role(s).

Note: Enterprise app registration may require Azure AD P1/P2 license.

To install the EXOv2 2.0.3 version of the module (preview at time of writing), use:

Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -AllowPrerelease

Note that it might complain if you have the GA version of the module installed, in which case you need to uninstall the GA module first, or you can install them side-by-side by specifying -Force.

Next, we need to create a self-signed certificate. To accomplish this, we can use the script published here. To create the certificate, simply use:

.\Create-SelfSignedCertificate.ps1 -CommonName 'EXOv2' -StartDate 7/30/2020 -EndDate 7/30/2021

Note that you need to provide a password to protect the PFX file containing the private key. Also do not forget to import the PFX in your local certificate store. When importing, you can mark the certificate as non-exportable, which prevents admins to transfer the certificate to other systems.

Import-PfxCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\My -FilePath .\EXOv2.pfx -Password (Read-Host -AsSecureString)

After importing, you can check for the certificate’s presence using:

Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where {$_.Subject -eq 'CN=EXOv2'}

The Subject should be the CommonName you used when generating the certificate. The thumbprint of our certificate is 49A4A73B4696718676770834BCD534DE35030D2C. We are going to use this later on to connect.

Now we need to set things up in Azure Active Directory:

  1. Open up the Azure Active Directory Portal, and navigate to Active Directory.
  2. Select App registrations, and click New registration.
  3. Give the App a meaningful Name, and select Accounts in this organizational directory only. Set Redirect URI to Web and leave the URL blank. Then, click Register.


    Note that our App has been assigned an Application (Client) ID. Make note of this value, as we will need it to connect later on.
  4. Next, we need to configure the App permissions. Select API permissions. User.Read should show up as default. Click Add a permission, and locate Office 365 Exchange Online from the APIs my organization uses tab. Select Application permissions, and in the next screen expand Exchange and check Exchange.ManageAsApp. We are done here, so click Add permissions.
  5. Only thing left now is to Grant admin consent, which can be done by clicking Grant admin consent for <tenant>. When done, the Status column for Exchange.ManageAsApp permission should have changed to Granted for <tenant>.

    API Permissions
  6. Now we need to associate this App with out certificate. Select Certificates & Secrets, and click Upload certificate. Pick the certificate file which we generated earlier, and select Add.

  7. Last step is to assign the App one of the built-in Azure AD roles. Go to the Azure Active Directory blade, and select Roles and administrators. To manage Exchange Online using PowerShell, you need to assign the Exchange Administrator role; for Security & Compliance, you can assign the Compliance Administrator role.

    Select the desired role(s), and click Add assignments in the assignments overview screen. Note that when picking security principals, the App might not show up initially, and typing its first few letters might help. Click Add to assign the role.

    Note that the UserName mentioned in the overview is the Application ID.

Now we are done configuring the back end, we can look again at connecting. This should now be as simple as running:

Connect-ExchangeOnline -CertificateThumbprint '49A4A73B4696718676770834BCD534DE35030D2C' -AppId '0d3f8f4c-34fb-4a22-8466-80fd7379593b' -Organization '<tenant>'


  • CertificateThumbprint is the thumbprint of the self-signed certificate you created earlier.
  • AppID is the Application (Client) ID of the registered App.
  • <tenant> the initial domain name of your tenant.

Note that you can also connect specifying the CertificateFile instead of Thumbprint, but then you need to provide the password as well via CertificatePassword. Having the certificate in the certificate store of the administrator account or account running the task and just specifying the thumbprint is more convenient and requires zero interaction.

If all steps above were followed correctly, you should now be connected to Exchange Online, without any MFA interaction.

A final note is that Connect-IPPSSession mentioned earlier does not support certificate-base authentication.

What about other Workloads

You can use the same certificate-based authentication to connect to several other workloads as well. That is, provided you have installed the required PowerShell module and the Azure AD role you assigned to the Application has adequate permissions. You can use the commands below to connect to these workloads. A small note that the commands to connect may use a different parameter names for AppId or Organization, e.g. AppId, ApplicationId or ClientId and Organization and TenantId are same things in the examples below.

AzureAD (2.x or Preview)

Connect-AzureAD -CertificateThumbprint '49A4A73B4696718676770834BCD534DE35030D2C' -ApplicationId '0d3f8f4c-34fb-4a22-8466-80fd7379593b' -TenantId '<tenant>'

MicrosoftTeams (GA or Test)

Connect-Microsoftteams -CertificateThumbprint '49A4A73B4696718676770834BCD534DE35030D2C' -ApplicationId '0d3f8f4c-34fb-4a22-8466-80fd7379593b' -TenantId '<tenant>'

Microsoft Graph

Connect-Graph -CertificateThumbprint '49A4A73B4696718676770834BCD534DE35030D2C' -ClientId '0d3f8f4c-34fb-4a22-8466-80fd7379593b' -TenantId '<tenant>'


The logons which are performed in the context of the Application are viewable in the Azure Sign-Ins at

Note that this view is currently in preview, and there might be a slight delay before logon shows up.

Final Notes

It would be nice if there would be a way to incorporate Exchange granular Role-Based Access Control model into the permissions model. Granting Apps only the built-in Azure AD roles is somewhat limiting, and it would be nice to restrict accounts in only being able to run the cmdlets and parameters they need to use.

When running Exchange cmdlets, you will find these in the audit log but with the <tenant>\AppID as UserName. Therefore, best thing to do is to use a single App registration for each individual administrator or process, instead of using a single App registration and multiple certificates.

And finally, it would be nice if the various teams would align their cmdlet and parameter naming schemes for consistency.