Security Updates Exchange 2013-2019 (Nov2022)

The Exchange product group released November updates for Exchange Server 2013, 2016 and 2019. Note that these Security Updates address the vulnerabilities CVE-2022-41040 and CVE-2022-41082 that were reported end of September. More on those in an earlier post.

Note: You can keep the current URLScan mitigations in-place, and remove them after installing these security updates at your convenience. The recommendation to disable Remote PowerShell for non-admins is upheld, but this is best practice regardless.

The vulnerabilities addressed in these Security Updates are:

CVE-2022-41040Elevation of PrivilegeCriticalCVSS:3.1 8.8 / 7.9
CVE-2022-41082Elevation of PrivilegeImportantCVSS:3.1 8.8 / 8.3
CVE-2022-41078Elevation of PrivilegeImportantCVSS:3.1 8.0 / 7.0
CVE-2022-41123Elevation of PrivilegeImportantCVSS:3.1 7.8 / 6.8
CVE-2022-41079Elevation of PrivilegeImportantCVSS:3.1 8.0 / 7.0
CVE-2022-41080Elevation of PrivilegeCriticalCVSS:3.1 8.8 / 7.7

The following Security Updates address these vulnerability for the Exchange builds mentioned, with the exception of CVE-2022-41123 which does not apply to Exchange Server 2013:

Exchange 2019 CU12Download15.2.1118.20KB5019758KB5019077
Exchange 2019 CU11Download15.2.986.36KB5019758KB5019077
Exchange 2016 CU23Download15.1.2507.16KB5019758KB5019077
Exchange 2016 CU22Download15.1.2375.37KB5019758KB5019077
Exchange 2013 CU23Download15.0.1497.44KB5019758KB5019076

In case you missed it, per the Security Updates of August, you can enable Windows Extended Protection for increased protection against certain vulnerabilities. More information this process and its requirements can be found in the post on the August updates here.

Security updates are Cumulative Update level specific. You cannot apply the update for Exchange 2019 CU12 to Exchange 2019 CU11. Also, the security update download has the same name for different Cumulative Updates, and I would suggest tagging the file name with the CU level, e.g. Exchange2019-CU12-KBXXXXXX-x64-en.msp.

Exchange servers running as part of hybrid deployment are running services, and thus need to be included in the patch cycle. If you are running Exchange 2019 CU12 Management Tools-only (for recipient management), you do not need to deploy this SU.

On a final note, as with any patch or update, I’d recommend to apply this in a test environment first, prior to implementing it in production. However, it is not recommended to wait for regular maintenance cycles when it concerns security updates, and follow a more agile approach; the ratings are an indication of the urgency.

Using PowerAutomate to echo tweets on Mastodon

November 22nd, 2022: Updated Flow diagram and updated blog to mention usage of vars for Mastodon host and bearer token.

And now for something completely different: With the recent news around Twitter, many people are having a look at alternatives. One of these is Mastodon, which is an open source platform, using federated identities on a distributed network. In essence, this means there is not a single phone directory but multiple, yet people living in different phone books can interact with each other as if they were residing in one (federation). Only thing is that, apart from your handle, you also need to know your (Mastodon) host where your account lives.

Now, this isn’t a blog on this social media platform, but it is a quick introduction on how to enable API access to your Mastodon account, and how you can leverage that in PowerAutomate. You can then, for example, toot your tweets (on Mastodon, one toots). There is no built-in action for Mastodon in PowerAutomate, so we need to create it leveraging Mastodon’s API, which is fairly simple for this action.

To start, you need a registered Mastodon account as well as PowerAutomate. First, we are going to configure your account in Mastodon for API access by an app. Navigate to Preferences, select </> Development and Click New Application. You now need to enter some details about your application, such as name and site where the calls originate from, e.g.

The Redirect URI field can be left at its default.

At the bottom of the dialog , you need to specify which calls your application is allowed to make by means of Scopes. For this example, we will only post status updates, so we deselect anything checked, and check write:statuses, which will allow us to post status updates. Click Submit.

After submitting, return to your App details page, and you will notice at the top there is now a client key and secret assigned to the app, as well as an access token. This access token is something we need later on, so make note of it or keep the screen open.

Disclaimer: The Premium connector HTTP is used, which might require a covering Per Flow or Per User service plan. When you don’t, you will get a message during import stating that you “do not have a service plan adequate for the non-standard connection”.

In PowerAutomate, import the Flow package TootMyTweet that I published on GitHub here. During import, pick your Twitter connection to use. After importing, You need to edit the flow by choosing Edit, and make the customizations indicated below the overview diagram:

  • In the When a new tweet is posted trigger, change <Your Twitter Handle> in the query to your Twitter handle (or replace with any other query you desire).
  • In the step Initialize MastodonInstance variable, change the value to your Mastodon host, e.g.
  • In the step Initialize AuthorizationToken variable, change the value to the Access Token you wrote down earlier from the Mastodon app configuration.
  • The body sets the status field to the tweet, after escaping quotes and expanding any URLs shortened by Twitter. For status (and other) API call information, see the Mastodon documentation here.
  • Note that replies are ignored, as context is lost when tooting replies to Tweets.

Save these changes, and do not forget to enable the Flow. Then wait for the first tweet to be automatically echoed on Mastodon.

Note that this of course is far from perfect: We will skip tooting replies (that is what the condition is for), and will do some escaping to prevent formatting issues, but shortened Twitter URLs and embedded images for example, are still shown as (short) links instead of their intrinsic content or location. Improvements or suggestions are always welcomed.

Happy tooting!

Security Updates Exchange 2013-2019 (Oct2022)

The Exchange product group released October updates for Exchange Server 2013, 2016 and 2019. Note that these Security Updates do NOT address the vulnerabilities CVE-2022-41040 and CVE-2022-41082 that have been reported on since end of September. For now, mitigate those by follow the instructions mentioned an earlier post here.

The vulnerabilities addressed in these Security Updates are mostly the same as the ones addressed by the Security Updates of August, with the exception of CVE-2022-34692. Also, the CVSS rating of CVE-2022-30134 has been adjusted:

CVE-2022-21979Information DisclosureImportantCVSS:3.1 4.8 / 4.2
CVE-2022-21980Elevation of PrivilegeCriticalCVSS:3.1 8.0 / 7.0
CVE-2022-24477Elevation of PrivilegeCriticalCVSS:3.1 8.0 / 7.0
CVE-2022-24516Elevation of PrivilegeCriticalCVSS:3.1 8.0 / 7.0
CVE-2022-30134Elevation of PrivilegeImportantCVSS:3.1 6.5 / 5.7
(was CVSS:3.1 7.6 / 6.6)

The following Security Updates address these vulnerability for the Exchange builds mentioned:

Exchange 2019 CU12Download15.2.1118.15KB5019077KB5015322
Exchange 2019 CU11Download15.2.986.30KB5019077KB5015322
Exchange 2016 CU23Download15.1.2507.13KB5019077KB5015322
Exchange 2016 CU22Download15.1.2375.32KB5019077KB5015322
Exchange 2013 CU23Download15.0.1497.42KB5019076KB5015321

In case you missed it, per the Security Updates of August, you can enable Windows Extended Protection for increased protection against certain vulnerabilities. More information this process and its requirements can be found in the post on the August updates here.

Be advised that these security updates are Cumulative Update level specific. You cannot apply the update for Exchange 2019 CU12 to Exchange 2019 CU11. Also, the security update download has the same name for different Cumulative Updates, and I would suggest tagging the file name with the CU level, e.g. Exchange2019-CU12-KBXXXXXX-x64-en.msp.

Exchange servers running as part of hybrid deployment are running services, and thus need to be included in the patch cycle. If you are running Exchange 2019 CU12 Management Tools-only (for recipient management), you do not need to deploy this SU.

On a final note, as with any patch or update, I’d recommend to apply this in a test environment first, prior to implementing it in production. However, it is not recommended to wait for regular maintenance cycles when it concerns security updates, and follow a more agile approach; the ratings are an indication of the urgency.

Exchange 0-days: CVE-2022-41040 & CVE-2022-41082

Update (Oct10, 2022): Updated URL Rewrite Rule (again).

End of last week, the Exchange world was made aware of a 0-day vulnerability and exploit through the following tweet by security researcher Kevin Beaumont. The tweet referenced a write-up by GTSC Cyber Security, which published their discovery on a what looked like a variation on ProxyShell, allowing for Remote code execution. The vulnerabilities have been registered by the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures program as CVE-2022-41040 (ZDI-CAN-18333 at Zero Day Initiative) and CVE-2022-41082 (ZDI-CAN-18802).

The 0-day impacts current versions of Exchange Server 2019, Exchange Server 2016 as well as Exchange Server 2013 when published externally. If you have Exchange Hybrid deployed only for recipient management or mail-flow (i.e. no inbound traffic for https/443), you should be OK. Similar to ProxyShell, the vulnerability consists of sending manufactured requests to Exchange server, e.g.

Read the full of this article on ENow here.

Update (Oct10): The (original) filter to mitigate the situation, as specified originally by the GTSC as well as various websites, is too specific. The filter can easily be circumvented by – but effectively identical – variations on the manufactured request. The latest rule to filter requests is:


Update any existing mitigation IIS URL Rewrite Rules with this Regular Expressions filter for {UrlDecode:{REQUEST_URI}} blocking (Abort Request) any matching request. When using EEMS, this rule will also be deployed in the most recent update (1.0.9). Microsoft rather silently updated the filter in their published EEMS rules during the weekend.

Microsoft added to their advisory, recommending organizations to disable Remote PowerShell for non-administrators roles (instructions here). For those wanting to hunt for indicators of compromise, check the end of the Security blog.

Vendors are also offering solutions to filter these requests using their network devices:

At the time of writing, Microsoft has not publish a security fix yet.

MEC 2022 Sessions Downloading

Update 9/29/2022: By popular request, I modified the Get-EventSession script so it is now able to also download MEC sessions (-Event MEC). See below for details.

A quick post for those that are looking for a simple way to download the Microsoft Exchange Community (MEC) Technical Airlift 2022 sessions for offline viewing, here’s a simple way to accomplish this:

  1. Get youtube-dl.exe here. Youtube-dl is a tool to download videos or playlists from Youtube.
  2. Get aria2c.exe here. Aria2c can be used to download media using multiple streams, reducing time it takes to download video content.
  3. Put the executables from both downloads in the same folder, and, using a a (PowerShell) command prompt, run the following:

.\youtube-dl.exe -o "C:\MEC2022\%(playlist_index)s-%(title)s.mp4" --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "-x 16 -k 1M"

  • “C:\MEC2022” is the folder where the downloaded files will be stored. Change when needed. For file naming, variables are used with define the name of the downloaded files using a prefix of the sequence number (from the playlist) together with the title of the video (session).
  • –external-downloader tells youtube-dl to use specified download utility (aria2c) instead of its own engine. The external-downloader-args parameters define concurrency and chunk size.
  • The last part is the URL for the MEC 2022 playlist.

9/29/2022: Alternatively, you can now use Get-EventSession (version 3.7 and up) to download MEC sessions. The script will parse the information shared through the playlist, but some usual attributes are missing, but there also some new attributes, such as likes and views. To use the script to download MEC session videos:

Get-EventSession> .\Get-EventSession.ps1 -Event MEC -DownloadFolder c:\MEC20222 -Format 22 -Speaker 'Michel de Rooij'

Few notes:

  • As there are no session codes in the YouTube metadata, session code is set to equal the playlist index.
  • Speaker names will be extracted from the description when present.
  • The session timestamp will be the upload date of the video.
  • Likes, Views and Duration are YouTube specific properties returned.

Using views and likes, you can do cool things such as get a scoreboard of the Top 10 most viewed videos from MEC playlist:

.\Get-EventSession.ps1 -Event MEC -InfoOnly | Sort Views -desc | Select -First 10 Title,SpeakerNames, Views, Likes

Note: If you do not specify format, YouTube videos will be downloaded in ‘best’ possible quality, which will be .webm by default. You can prevent this, and download 1080p movies, by specifying -Format 22.

MEC: Bringing your Exchange Scripts into the Modern Age

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of presenting at the Microsoft Exchange Conference Community Technical Airlift 2022. I talked about the challenges that organizations are facing that use Exchange scripts in their work processes or run them scheduled unattended.

Some of the challenges I mentioned, apart from the upcoming demise of Basic Authentication, and resources to methodically assess and make the necessary changes, are:

  • Get your code more secure leveraging Certificate Based Authentication, especially for scheduled tasks.
  • Get current with the most recent version of the Exchange Online Management Module for PowerShell.
  • The same exercise with regards to AzureAD when using MSOnline or AzureAD modules, and the inevitable move to the PowerShell Graph SDK.

In the end I also quickly demonstrated how much easier and secure things can be when utilizing Azure Automation, which might especially appeal to organizations that want to totally get rid of any infrastructure for running jobs.

You can watch the presentation below. All sessions are you published on YouTube, and its playlist can be accessed at

The presentation as well as the deck and script used in the live demonstration can be retrieved from GitHub. The Analyse-ExoScript used in the demo can be found on GitHub as well, or look at the accompanying blog I wrote a while ago here.

Note that during MEC, it was announced that the next GA release of the Exchange Online Management module will be version 3. This jump is likely to prevent any confusion with earlier GA and preview releases. It was said the next GA release might be as early as next week, which should be good news for organizations who’s policy it is to not run Preview software in production environments.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments or send me a message via the contact form.

MEC Airlift 2022 #WeAreMEC

It seems ages ago – 8½ years to be exact – that the most recent Microsoft Exchange Conference took place in Austin in 2014. Much has happened since then, Exchange Online became a thing and there seemed to be no need for Microsoft to host an Exchange themed conference any longer. All this while events around products such as SharePoint did not slow down a single bit.

Then the pandemic happened, and we went to zero in-person conferences. It did not take long online/virtual/digital conferences took off. But alas, no Exchange conference. Until 2022 arrived, and Microsoft announced continued commitment to Exchange on-premises. Now, early in the FY22/23, a free 2-day online event will take place on September 13th & 14th, the Microsoft Exchange Conference Community Technical Airlift 2022. Target audience are IT professionals working with Exchange Online/On-Premises as well people developing solutions that integrate with Exchange. While nothing comes close to the experience and value of an in-person event, MEC 2022 will take place online. I am guessing that if this event is a success, and there is enough content to talk about as well as interest, that might switch to becoming at least a hybrid event, with a mix of an in-person and online audience, similar to Microsoft Ignite this year.

The agenda for MEC 2022 looks very promising, with sessions from both the Exchange product group as well as some very smart people from the Exchange community. Not totally surprising, there are sessions on the demise of Basic Authentication and how to deal with that, hosted by Greg Taylor. Also have a look at Scott Schnoll’s famous Exchange Tips & Tricks, or Jeff Mealiffe talking about connectivity. The event kicks off with a welcome keynote with Perry Clarke and Rajesh Jha. You can still submit questions for this “Geek Out with Perry!” here.

Yours truly will also present at MEC, presenting “Bringing your Exchange Scripts into the Modern Age” on September 14th, 9:00am PDT. Note that MEC sessions will be recorded, and will be made available for on-demand viewing after the event, which is great in case you cannot attend sessions as they happen. You can still register for MEC at

If I do not “see” you at MEC, there is also an opportunity to have an in-person chat next week in Atlanta, where I will be attending – not presenting as I missed the submit deadline – The Experts Conference, or just TEC. It seems you can still register, but Anyway, it is good to see Exchange themed events pick-up and confereces in general returning to a certain level of pre-pandemic numbers, as there is enough to talk about, discuss and learn from others.

Security Updates Exchange 2013-2019 (Aug2022)

The Exchange product group released Augustus updates for Exchange Server 2013, 2016 and 2019.

Note that per the previous May cycle, Security Updates will be packaged in an executable wrapper. This should trigger the running elevated prompt, thus preventing any potential issues when admins simply double-click the .MSP file. More about the new package format, options for logging and command-line switches are mentioned in an article dedicated to the change of distribution method here.

Windows Extended Protection
Special attention in this cycle for Windows Extended Protection, which needs to be enabled to address certain vulnerabilities. WEP is ONLY supported for specific versions of Exchange server – see the documentation for details regarding requirements and known issues. TLDR; – list might change over time, consult the pages linked earlier:

  • Requirements
    • Supported on Exchange 2013 CU23, Exchange 2016 CU22 and Exchange Server 2019 CU11 or later, with the August 2022 Security Updates installed.
    • Cannot be enabled on Exchange Server 2013 servers hosting Public Folders in co-existence with Exchange 2016/2019.
    • Cannot be enabled on Exchange 2016 CU22 or Exchange 2019 CU11 or older hosting a Public Folder Hierarchy.
    • Does not work with hybrid servers using Modern Hybrid configuration.
    • SSL Offloading scenarios are currently not supported.
    • Consistent TLS configuration is required across all Exchange servers.
  • Known Issues
    • Retention Policies using action Move to Archive stops working.
    • In Exchange 2013, the MAPI over HTTP probe OutlookMapiHttpCtpProbe might show FAILED.

To perform prerequisite checks and implement WEP, a supporting script ExchangeExtendedProtectionManagement.ps1 has been published. Since enabling WEP impacts how clients and Exchange server communicates, it is highly recommended to test this first on your specific configuration, especially with 3rd party products, before enabling it in production.

Security Updates
So, on with the security updates. The vulnerabilities addressed in the Security Updates for August are:

CVE-2022-21979Information DisclosureImportantCVSS:3.1 4.8 / 4.2
CVE-2022-21980Elevation of PrivilegeCriticalCVSS:3.1 8.0 / 7.0
CVE-2022-24477Elevation of PrivilegeCriticalCVSS:3.1 8.0 / 7.0
CVE-2022-24516Elevation of PrivilegeCriticalCVSS:3.1 8.0 / 7.0
CVE-2022-30134Elevation of PrivilegeImportantCVSS:3.1 7.6 / 6.6
CVE-2022-34692Information DisclosureImportantCVSS:3.1 5.3 / 4.6

The following Security Updates address this vulnerability:

Exchange 2019 CU12Download15.2.1118.12KB5015322KB5014261
Exchange 2019 CU11Download15.2.986.29KB5015322KB5014261
Exchange 2016 CU23Download15.1.2507.12KB5015322KB5014261
Exchange 2016 CU22Download15.1.2375.31KB5015322KB5014261
Exchange 2013 CU23Download15.0.1497.40KB5015321KB5014260

These Security Updates also fix the following issues:

  • KB5017261 Start-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup fails with BlockedDeserializeTypeException
  • KB5017430 E-Discovery search fails in Exchange Online

Be advised that these security updates are Cumulative Update level specific. You cannot apply the update for Exchange 2019 CU12 to Exchange 2019 CU11. Also, the security update download has the same name for different Cumulative Updates, and I would suggest tagging the file name with the CU level, e.g. Exchange2019-CU12-KBXXXXXX-x64-en.msp.

Exchange servers running as part of hybrid deployment are running services, and thus need to be included in the patch cycle. If you are running Exchange 2019 CU12 Management Tools-only (for recipient management), you do not need to deploy this SU.

On a final note, as with any patch or update, I’d recommend to apply this in a test environment first, prior to implementing it in production. However, it is not recommended to wait for regular maintenance cycles when it concerns security updates, and follow a more agile approach; the ratings are an indication of the urgency.

MVP’s around the World (2022)

A new Microsoft MVP award cycle, a new moment to have a look at the MVP statistics. Below numbers are taken from the public MVP site. July 1st is normally the day of the award cycle, but this year got delayed for a few days due to unknown circumstances. Because people get awarded every month, the comparison to July of every year should give an idea of the yearly trend.

Few points of attention:

  • Apparently, during the award cycle MVP’s located in Russia or Belarus were removed, including MVP’s that were awarded in the first half of 2022 and thus not up for renewal.
  • 19 anonymous MVP awardees do not disclose location. Those are not represented in below numbers.
  • The Office Development category was rebranded M365 Development.
  • The Office Apps & Services category was rebranded M365 Apps & Services.

Awardees per Category

The following table contains the awardees per award category from July of 2019 up to 2022, plus change percentage. It therefor does not reflect on changes during the year (people newly awarded or moving to Microsoft). I will leave the interpretation up to you.

Cloud and Datacenter Management232209-10%2195%164-25%
Microsoft Azure40946313%53415%5462%
M365 Apps & Services4915124%5569%492-12%
Business Applications16624045%32335%3519%
Data Platform3323588%3929%364-7%
Developer Technologies6446978%77010%715-7%
Enterprise Mobility1061037%13318%14912%
M365 Development476436%698%59-14%
Windows Development119110-8%1209%92-23%
Windows and Devices for IT5743-25%42-2%457%
Total no. of Awards268729319%329612%3105-6%
Total no. of MVP’s263428508%322413%3024-6%

Note: The difference between total number of awards and total number of MVP’s is caused by MVP’s awarded in multiple categories. A total of 124 MVP’s were awarded in two or more categories.

M365 Apps & Services per Country

When zooming in on the M365 Apps & Services category, the awards per country are shown below, including the % change compared to last year. As you might notice, there are quiet a number of countries without MVP’s compared to last year.

AUS26 (-4%)FRA16 (-34%)NZL6 (0%)ESP10 (-34%)
AUT3 (-25%)DEU30 (-4%)NGA4 (0%)LKA0 (-100%)
BEL5 (0%)GHA1 (0%)NOR5 (-29%)SWE8 (-20%)
BIH1 (0%)GRC1 (0%)PAK1 (0%)CHE2 (-50%)
BRA12 (-15%)HUN1 (-50%)PER1 (0%)TWN4 (0%)
BGR3 (0%)IND10 (-29%)POL5 (-38%)THA2 (0%)
KHM1 (0%)IRL1 (-75%)PRT3 (0%)NLD22 (4%)
CAN34 (-15%)ISR3 (0%)RUS0 (-100%)TUR2 (0%)
CHN19 (0%)ITA4 (0%)SAU1 (-50%)UKR2 (0%)
COL5 (-29%)JPN17 (-15%)SEN1 (0%)ARE1 (-50%)
HRV5 (0%)KOR14 (-18%)SRB0 (-100%)GBR37 (-16%)
CZE2 (0%)MKD2 (0%)SGP4 (0%)USA112 (-16%)
DNK5 (-29%)MYS1 (0%)SVK1 (0%)URY1 (0%)
EGY1 (0%)MEX8 (0%)SVN2 (0%)VNM1 (0%)
SLV1 (0%)MMR1 (0%)ZAF4 (0%)  
FIN5 (-17%)NPL0 (-100%)    

If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments below.

Exchange Announcements

Few days ago, the Exchange Product made several announcements related to Exchange Server and its future. The overall message throughout these announcements can be interpreted as that Microsoft is publicly declaring to be committed to developing and supporting the Exchange Server product. This is especially of interest to those customers running it as part of their on-premises infrastructure. It is also assuring those that believe the road ahead was a dead end, eventually forcing them to move to Exchange Online, or look for alternatives.

The announcements made were in the area of:

  • Lifecycle policies remain intact for current versions of Exchange Server.
  • The next version of Exchange Server, also known as Exchange vNext, will move to a continuous support model, but comes with requirements.
  • Upgrade path for Exchange vNext.
  • Modern Authentication support for non-hybrid Exchange 2019 deployments.
  • Exchange 2019 support for TLS 1.3.
  • Possibility to receive pre-release builds of Exchange server through Microsoft’s TAP program.
  • Exchange Admin Center will receive overview section for Exchange servers update status in Exchange hybrid deployments.
  • HCW will allow admins to skip configuration steps.
  • Script to remove obsolete mitigations from EEMS.
  • Microsoft Exchange Conference Community Virtual Airlift (MEC) for September 13-14! (register)
  • Feedback forums for Exchange Online and Exchange Server.

More details on these announcements can be found in the full article on the announcements, and can be found here at the ENow Solutions blog.